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Monster Girls Page 11

  I focused on the situation instead of the girl, which was often challenging for me. What the hell was going on? Were we suddenly in danger? Did Aeren sense from these three that the plan had changed. Or maybe they weren't considered trustworthy in her eyes. I most definitely preferred not to get raped by a snake, spider and tiger along my way. Especially just after getting cleaned up. Were these the haters that she had referred to? Did they want to kill us?

  We went slowly down the corridor to the right. The green cat-woman took the lead without a backward glance. Snake girl traveled along our left side, moving her legs in a strange circular motion to propel herself forward smoothly. Spider woman bobbed along on my right, staring at me the whole time. That was beginning to get as freaky as watching her crawl across the walls where the passageway narrowed.

  The first adjoining hallway on the left was dark. I couldn't tell what was in there, but the pungent scent of rotting food tickled my nostrils as we passed. We turned up the second hallway and followed it for several hundred feet. Small rooms like our cell lined up both sides, only of couple of which were occupied by more of these creatures. Quarters, chambers, not prison cells. None had the eerie red light like ours, but there were a variety of colors.

  As always, my mind wondered. Did the different color emitting from the illumination stones have meaning? Or were they simply a matter of taste? Back on Earth a red light would indicate that the occupant was a prostitute ready for their next client. Is that what I was to be to these people?

  Honey’s gait was wavering as we went. She was not accustomed to walking great distances on rough surfaces in her bare feet. Yet, aboard our ship she was always barefoot. But the floor there was smooth and slightly cushioned. She would probably have very sore feet once we made it back to our room, should we get the chance to return there. I would have no qualms about offering her a foot rub.

  At the end of the hallway was a grand cavern that was lit by a variety of the colored magic stones, with stalagmites casting shadows in all directions. The vibe sent my mind back to science fiction movies in the early days of television. I expected to see humans chained up somewhere in star fleet uniforms telling me that we had been led into a trap.

  The freakiness of the situation had completely taken my mind off my nudity until a blue lizard type woman stared at my cock while licking her lips. I momentarily covered it with my hand, finding that my most prized body member had lost nearly all its swelling. A quick gesture from Aeren told me not to block the view of my sexual organ. Perhaps doing so would make me appear disagreeable.

  Honeysuckle had both hands on her breasts, and nobody seemed to give a shit about that. Of course, I knew that she was pretty much just along for the ride. It was me and my body that would be presented to this queen.

  When we turned to the right I could see where we were heading. Uneven steps had been cut into the rock to ascend toward a massive throne. On each side of it rested huge lions with massive, outstretched wings on their backs. These had no humanoid form whatsoever. The way they sat on their haunches lacking any interest in the proceeding suggested that they were likely pets of the leader.

  Then I saw the queen herself.

  Head like a bull, horns at least three feet long on each side. Muscle bound brown skin with the hide of cattle. Bulbous eyes separated by the snout of a horse. And roughly nine feet tall where she stood off to one side awaiting a drink that was being poured by another blue lizard person.

  The leader's ass and legs were super muscular. A knocking pounded the floor as she walked on black hooves to return to her throne. There she began to sip her beverage without paying us any attention. I took it as arrogance. Between the sight of her and these guards my desire to help them with their dwindling population problem waned considerably.

  I followed the green tiger girl up the steps and stopped where snake girl pointed. Spider woman gestured for Honeysuckle to stand directly behind me. I was getting an eerie feeling about this until Mavdaios and Aeren stepped up to take a position on each side of me. Imagine that. Being comforted by the presence of a hairy elf girl and a black devil woman.

  "He is indeed male," the queen announced in the least attractive female voice ever, barely even looking in my direction. Maybe she could only use one eye at a time to examine my body. She sounded like a pig whining while gargling bolts. Descriptive, but still not as annoying as the actual noise that croaked out of her mouth when she spoke.

  "Yes, Queen Voodi," Aeren said with the slightest of bows. "We have witnessed his sexual prowess already. We have high hopes that..."

  "What race is he?" the queen asked.

  "We are not sure," Aeren answered, showing no distaste for being cut off. "They are quite possibly another species, but that doesn't mean that..."

  "Well, that won't work," Queen Voodi barked as she leaned forward, setting her drink on the arm of the throne. "Why are we considering this outsider mating with our kind if he cannot procreate with the Edaifi?"

  "We are not yet certain that statement is accurate," Aeren answered, showing the first sign of nervousness. "We should test the theory and observe."

  Others had started gathering around us to watch the proceedings. Weird creatures mostly, all with a feminine appearance. Some more attractive with their alien bodies than others. It was a crying shame that I wouldn't be permitted to pick and choose my mates. I was under the distinct impression that a priority list had already been assembled.

  "Who here would have sexual relations with this alien being?" the Queen screamed out, her atrocious voice resonating throughout the cavern. It sounded more like a challenge than an invitation.

  There was a rumbling murmur that grew from the crowd and then simmered down when the leader's bull head rotated looking for volunteers. Then Aeren stepped forward slightly on her skinny anime legs and tiny feet.

  "I will, your majesty," the super thin elf said with a slight bow.

  The queen lowered her horns to stare at my savior as if her authority was being challenged. The crowd noise rose again. When Mavdaios stepped forward it got even louder.

  "I will, too, my queen," the devil girl announced with her slithering voice, barely tilting her head forward to simulate a bow. I took it that she did not have an immense amount of respect for their leader.

  The bullheaded top bitch pulled her head back slowly as she reconsidered the situation. Having one of her citizens step forward was an outrage. Having two meant that a movement might be growing in support of the proposed mating program.

  "Who is the first on the list?" the queen barked into the crowd. Though remaining as displeasing to the ears, there was a softer tone to her voice. She wanted someone to speak up this time. "The most endangered?"

  "I am," a delicate voice called out from somewhere behind me. When I turned to see who or what it was, Mavdaios placed a hand on my shoulder to keep me facing forward. Turning my back on their queen was probably considered disrespectful.

  "Come forward," the queen told the soft spoken one as she stood from her throne.

  A timid creature then hesitantly came into view until she finally stood directly in front of me facing the queen. She had short gray fur on a slightly pudgy body that stood just four and a half feet tall. A fluffy bunny tail protruded from her otherwise lovely ass. From the rear she appeared to one of the most humanoid among them.

  "Widona," Queen Voodi addressed the little thing that stood only as high as her muscle-bound loins. "Will you volunteer to test the mating program with this unidentified male?"

  The bunny girl turned to face me and was as cute as could be. More human than rabbit, the white fur on her chest and belly was very short. Her little bunny nose did that constant sniffing thing as she looked me over briefly. Her eyes spent more time studying Aeren and Mavdaios instead. When they both nodded to her, she examined me more closely.

  She looked timid, like a rabbit caught in the garden that might hop off at any moment. I was more than surprised when she stepped forward and grabbe
d my penis. If I had known that my worth was about to be evaluated by her hand, I would have worked on chubbing it up. Fortunately, having the elf and devil girls claim interest in sex with me did enough to make it thick for the inspection.

  "It is cold," Widona said softly as she gripped it with a small leathery hand.

  "It will warm up when it..." I began to say.

  Widona jumped back in shock, releasing my cock like it was a viper that just bit her. The crowd roared in complaint. I officially fucked things up, it seemed. I had been told to stay quiet, not avoid revealing that I had the ability to speak.

  "Who taught it to talk?" the queen demanded to know, stomping one foot on the dais.

  "My apologies," Aeren said as both her and Mavi dropped to one knee. The extreme gesture of servitude was required to compensate for my mistake. "He already speaks our language."

  The crowd roared louder until the Queen croaked out in a loud annoying voice, "Enough!"

  "Widona," Aeren pleaded with the bunny girl as she returned to standing. "He is pleasant, and non-violent. His female enjoys his company very much. Mavdaios and I have found him more than tolerable. I encourage you to take advantage of the service. You are the last of your kind, like me. Is it not worth every reasonable effort?"

  I watched silently, still cringing from the queen’s roar, as Widona took the words to heart. When she approached me again, I mentally worked on my boner presentation. At first, I tried to think about what it would be like to have sex with her. But my mind was drawn to the elf and devil girls that had already announced their interest in me. They even took a stand to protect me, remarkably similar to what Cinnamon and Honeysuckle had done when I was first invited on their ship.

  Instead of grabbing my penis this time, her hands went to my arms, like a hesitant date coming in for a kiss. She sniffed my chest and neck, standing on her tiptoes to examine my face as I looked down at her. My hands naturally went to her waist, causing a brief shudder as she felt the contact. Soul searching my eyes seemed to calm her after that.

  I had this experience many times before. A new girl, unsure if she was interested in getting intimate with me. I’d place my hands gently on a safe part of her body and allow time for her study me. Controlled breathing always helped me to avoid looking too eager. I knew that the more patient that I was the better chance that I had of scoring.

  When her little bunny lips moved, I thought it was an invitation for a kiss. An opportunity to sell myself, literally almost. I nearly leaned forward to receive it when she spoke.

  "Yes," Widona whispered. Was that to me? Was she stating that she was receptive to my mouth on hers? Then louder as she took a step backwards. "Yes, I'll do it."

  There was a pause as many in attendance were apparently treasuring this moment like we were making history. Then a low murmur began. A dissenting faction was not in approval. They must have been in a minority for them to not speak up against this arrangement.

  "Very well," the queen declared as she studied the crowd. "Take him back to his new home. Widona will accept a visit from him as soon as her cycle makes her most receptive to his seed."

  "Tomorrow," Widona announced with a seductive glance toward me. "I'll be ready tomorrow."

  Queen Voodi nodded to the bunny girl and instructed the guards to return us to our cell. Our new home she had called it. I didn't plan on staying much longer, but the description of the chamber we were being kept made it sound like we weren't going to be killed anytime soon. That was good news at least.

  We would live another day.


  "Why were they surprised that I could speak the same language as you?" I asked Aeren once we were back inside our cell and the scary looking guards moved on. The tall whisper of a woman stepped right through the door with us.

  "We kept that information from them for your safety," she explained, almost apologetically. "We expected you to stay quiet during the presentation. I probably should have shared with you the reason why in advance."

  "For our safety?" Honeysuckle asked.

  "Yes," Aeren answered as she took a seat on the first bed. This time she did not gesture for us to sit on the other bed at a safe distance from her. So, I motioned for Honeysuckle to sit right beside the slender elf girl. I figured that I would be considered the bigger threat and should be more cautious with my movements and positioning. Luckily, Aeren showed no discomfort with Honey's proximity.

  "We are trying to walk a fine line for your benefit," Aeren explained.

  "We?" I asked. How many of these strange people would be trying to treat us well? Would it be enough to keep us safe until I found a way to escape?

  "There are a few of us," said Aeren. "Mavdaios, Mixi and I are at the forefront. That is why we are standing guard outside your chamber. For your protection, not ours."

  "Speaking of guard duty," Mavdaios said from just outside the doorway. "I have other business to attend to. There will be questions. I should offer answers quickly to avoid an uprising."

  "Yes," Aeren nodded to her. "I'll be fine here until you are able to return."

  "Tell me more about this fine line, please," I requested after my black leathery new friend departed.

  "Yes, well, there are several options of what to do with you now that you have been taken into custody." Aeren crossed her ultra-thin legs causing a shift in the long hair that covered much of her body. I found myself trying to casually catch a glimpse of her torso each time that happened. "Typically, you would just be executed for the crime of disturbing their sacred place."

  "Their sacred place?"

  "Yes, that is another wrinkle. Not all of us follow the superstitions that are the religion of the majority here. Still, those in the highest positions do, so you could have been executed in a ceremony shortly after being brought down here. The fact that you are male caused a stay of execution. Some of us more kindhearted ones also put up a resistance to killing intelligent intruders that are not deemed a hazard to our community. There are several factors involved here, you see?"

  "So, what do you think will happen to us?" Honeysuckle asked with fear in her voice. Though her and the elfish woman had many variances in appearance, they actually looked like they belonged to the same species to me.

  Aeren gave my sweet-smelling lover a look that bordered on pity. "Before I explain the possibilities, let me stress how important that it is for you to behave properly. Do not try to escape. Do not engage in any malicious activity. Avoid speaking to anyone other than the three that I mentioned."

  We both nodded, though I wasn't committed to sitting around waiting to be executed. If I got a chance to escape, I would take it. But I wouldn't leave Honeysuckle behind. The plan to play along with this mating program while looking for opportunities to flee looked to be our best option.

  "You still could be executed if the majority, or the powers that be, find your existence here to be a nuisance. Let's shy away from that possibility. If Kash can provide a service that benefits our community, the haters will be held off. I am of course referring to sexual intercourse that could lead to pregnancy. If our species are incompatible, that will no longer be an excuse for keeping you alive."

  "We could put you to work," Aeren continued. "Two more sets of hands are always welcome if they are productive. Our least intelligent members of our community work deep down in the mines. Others have duties in the city."

  "City?" Honey asked. I however focused on the other place mentioned, the mines. Being sent down there would certainly reduce our chances of getting free.

  "We are on the fringe of our civilization, where the queen meets an audience, and many legal issues are handled. Our city is huge and includes many large caverns, some more than a hundred times the size of the chamber where you were presented. We also have sections that are above ground, but those are far away from the sacred grounds where you were captured."

  "So, if I can't impregnate any of your women," I asked. "We'll be put to work?"

; "No," Aeren replied. My confusion was clear as I waited for an explanation. "If you are to live you will be put to work regardless of your reproductive abilities. The type of work that you will do will depend on how valuable you are to the community. For example, we wouldn't risk your death by placing you in the mines if we were counting on you for providing us with children."

  So, we were to be slaves no matter what, if not killed by these haters she keeps referring to. Being a sex slave would improve my situation, but not necessarily. I would probably rather work in the mines than have sex with some of these creatures. But none of it really mattered. I still planned to escape. I just had to bide my time. Even if the Arketa Moreta was long gone, I had no intention of being anyone's slave. Honeysuckle and I would find a way to survive on the surface somehow.

  "The issue that concerns me most is your weaponry," Aeren explained, recrossing her legs. It was almost like she was intentionally trying to distract me with glimpses of her fine form. "When our people attacked your structure..."