Island Girls Read online

Page 14

  A comical service droid was scurrying around trying to clean up the mess caused by all the killing and bleeding. It had a short square base with a ball on each corner. Once its storage compartment was full of entrails and the like, the thing rolled off into a tiny doorway to return a few seconds later for more. The enemy creatures completely ignored the unit as it worked to tidy the place up.

  The aliens were humanoid in that they had two arms, two legs and a single head. Other than that, we didn't have that much in common. They were hunched over like a beast that was prepared to drop to all fours to run. Their heads had a dark shell instead of hair, tapering off in the back like a funky bike helmet. Huge red eyes dominated a grotesque face with insect-like mouths.

  The barrel of the chest weapon would change directions when they shot. Perhaps the aiming was controlled mentally, since no limb appeared to make contact with the device. It was even possible that the centered gun was a part of their bodies. Weird, but it could be. If so, I couldn’t imagine how the ammunition was produced.

  As realistic as everything was visibly, I knew that it was still just a game. The question was, could I get hurt? Or even killed? The prison administration had no qualms with extinguishing the life of one of us after each individual competition. But this whole thing was supposed to be recreation, right? I mean, if I were to appear to be drowning in the black liquid in the spa, would they not save me?

  I hesitated, but finally my logic was good enough to persuade me. I stood up and stepped into the open to fire laser-like bursts in a quick succession, spreading my aim from left to right. I managed to hit two of them and cause noticeable damage. When one of their plasma bolts meandered its way to my chest, I was beginning to doubt my decision. Luckily, a force field appeared around my body and absorbed most of the energy. What got through didn't hurt much but was almost enough to knock me off my feet.

  This game is the shit!

  My heroics inspired Amir to fire more aggressively. Soon, the attacking alien bodies joined those of their comrades in a bloody mess in the center of the floor. A second clean up droid appeared to help with the housekeeping task. We congratulated each other briefly before receiving a call from Zach and Drexel. They needed our help fighting off more of these creatures outside the ship's entryway.

  We were able to complete the task while standing on the metal exit ramp. Dozens of the violent beasts were visible as they rushed toward our location, some of them on all fours. Drexel and two other members of the landing party combined with our firepower to keep them at bay as Zach hurriedly ushered an ultra-slender woman up the ramp. It wasn't until we were all securely back inside of the ship that I got a good look at her.

  The woman was another humanoid alien, but not of the same species as our attackers. Her body was seriously slim and humanlike. I could encompass her entire waist with my hands. She was covered by a shimmering yellow fabric similar to our clothes. Her velvety skin was black. Not African American brown but pitch black. Oversized bright yellow eyes matching her garment blinked at me and Amir, almost like a camera shutter.

  Her movement was graceful in shoes that seemed to glide across the floor. Narrow hips shifted attractively as the nipples of her tiny breasts brushed against the thin veil of material that composed her own piece clothing. Though clearly not human, she was all kinds of sexy.

  I was eager to engage this appealing alien in conversation, assuming that we could understand each other. Unfortunately, two security officers took her away quickly, claiming that she needed medical attention. She looked good to me, I thought. Maybe I could do the examination. Was it possible for me to switch roles in mid-game? May I please play doctor with her?

  "But wait," Zach shouted after them. No doubt he had also found the unique female attractive. But the officers did not respond despite complaints from their captain. A few seconds later they were through a door and gone. Apparently, the game did not want us to interact with the individual that we had rescued.

  "All officers please report to the debriefing area," the unknown voice said in my ear. It could have been the ship's computer or the character in charge on the bridge at the time. We followed the instructions, including the little arrows on the floor and entered the same door that the sexy black alien had gone through. It was another lift. When the doors reopened, we were back in the center of the arena, completely outside of the quadrant.

  "I guess that mission is over," Drexel said. "That was crazy awesome! Are we allowed to do another one right away?"

  "Please allow us some time to prepare the next mission for you, sir," the android spoke from behind us. We were not previously aware that he was there, so we spun around quickly to find him standing in front of the lift doors.

  With all four men standing in one place we discussed what to do next. Amir had already been to the spa and did not speak incredibly well of the experience. I was betting that Shira's deflection of his attention was part of the reason. I had been to both the pool and the dance club and enjoyed them both. But as much as I liked hanging out with the guys, I just as soon be where the women were. Drexel and Amir agreed, and Zach was reluctantly going along with the idea.

  The pool area was empty unfortunately. I was hoping for another glimpse of the fine females in their swimsuits. I figured that they were in the spa section instead, but no. That quadrant was also empty. They must have completely sobered up and returned to the club for drinks. That's cool, I could do some more dancing. But once again, we were disappointed.

  "Where the hell are they?" Drexel asked.

  "Maybe they went to bed," Amir suggested. "They aren’t as fun as us."

  "I agree with that," Zach said. "I'm going to grab a drink and get ready for the next starship mission. Who's with me?"

  "I'm in!" Amir announced.

  "I don't know guys. I'm worried about the girls," I said. "I'm going to check at my barracks to make sure that Nancy and Shira are okay."

  "Well, you know where to find us," Zach replied. "How about you Drexel?"

  "I think I'll go with Joah, but I'll be right back. Don't start the next mission without me."

  "No promises," Zach answered as he and Amir headed to the bar in the club. The music escaped momentarily as they entered. It was subdued but had a deep base thumping to it. I had the distinct feeling that it would change regularly based on the mood in the room, whether that was computer controlled or by a very observant disc jockey.

  Drexel followed me back through the hallway that led outside to our assigned sleeping quarters. I could hear the girls talking as soon as I stepped onto the sand. They were laying in the hammocks still in their swimwear. I immediately had visions of me joining Nancy in hers while maybe Drexel gave Shira some companionship. Or, he could retreat to the game and leave me with both of them. Either way, I was fine with it.

  That was not how it played out, though. First of all, Nancy and Shira were resting in the same hammock. It was impossible to avoid body contact sharing the space since the design constantly slid you toward the center. So, seeing them with their arms around each other was interesting, though the embrace did not appear to be sexual. It was simply a comfort thing.

  Even better than that sight was the lovely Lin resting in the other hammock alone. Her bikini covered less than five percent of her exquisite flesh. She smiled and gave me a wave with her fingertips. She might as well have pretended to throw a rope around me and pull me in, because her hammock was where I was heading.

  "How did you get in here?" I asked playfully.

  "They just let me walk right in," Lin replied as she attempted to slide over. She knew full well that I planned to join her. She lifted her head so I could get my arm around her, then rested it on my bicep.

  "Well," Drexel looked flustered. "There's no room for me. What am I supposed to do?" I got the distinct impression that he suddenly would rather be here than back in the game. Hotties on hammocks versus games with guys.

  "We have room for you?" Nancy declared. She had to slide
off of the hammock to let him climb into the middle. I was waiting for the rope to snap and drop all three of their asses to the ground when Nancy reentered, but it held strong. Lin and I watched silently to see how things were going to develop over there.

  A little shy, Drexel didn't put his arms around the ladies, but they each turned in his direction at least. Shira was more content with the situation than I would have thought. Lin later told me that they all had a couple of drinks in the club before heading here. I was already fully aware of Nancy's sexual identity. It would not surprise me at all if she made a move on the handsome young man.

  I pulled Lin a little closer, smelling her hair. That was my excuse for the move, but I used it to also plant a kiss on her forehead. It was a little test to see her reaction. The technique had worked well for me a few times before on dates. Walking down the street and pulling the woman close to keep warm. The forehead kiss was a great way to test the waters without turning someone off.

  "Are we at that point in our relationship?" Lin asked without looking up at me.

  "At what point?"

  "The point where you are checking to see if I will allow you to place your lips on me." She was an intelligent woman. I couldn’t pull off slick moves with her. I decided to speak honestly.

  "I hope so. I mean, I'd like to be at that point. How do you feel about it?"

  "I'm not sure," she replied. "Normally I would say absolutely not. I'm a slow mover when it comes to dating. But with all my friends and family out of the picture, I feel sort of vulnerable, I must say. And that's not something that I am used to."

  "I'm sure. You are a strong, independent woman. I get that."

  "But you and the others are my life now. I'm still trying to come to terms with that knowledge. However, if I sleep with you, it opens us up to a whole slew of new problems. Besides, we should really be focusing on getting out of this place."

  "I understand," I answered, cock blocked once again by the need to escape this prison. "But sexual frustration can get in the way of clear thinking. We would be helping each other get better focus."

  "That is the most logical way I have ever heard someone try to get into my pants."

  "My reasoning holds merit, don't you think?" I asked as I placed the next kiss on her temple. If I could get her to reposition slightly, the following one would land on her cheek.

  "I understand sexual frustration," she replied. "But it is not to the point where I feel impaired. And I know for a fact that you have been getting some release with Nancy. She filled us in on some details."

  "Did she?"

  "So, maybe we can wait until after we escape. After we are safe. I'm not comfortable here. I feel like I am constantly being watched."

  "What if we never get out? I don't think that will be the case. I am as determined as you are to escape. But it might take a while. I'll be completely honest, Lin. I am very attracted to you. And not just physically. You are the most amazing woman that I have ever met."

  She looked up into my eyes as she asked, "Really?"

  "Yes. And I understand that you like to take things slow. I respect that. I just ask that we at least keep moving forward. Like you said. It's us against the world at this point. If you want romance, you'll need to choose one of us. I need to make sure that you know, I very much want it to be me."

  "Oh, it will be you alright."

  I was very happy to hear that. I gave her a squeeze in response. But it just wasn't enough for me. I needed more. "How about one kiss?" She looked me in the eyes again. "One kiss would tell us both that we are serious about having a future."

  "Would I be your only girl? In that future that you speak of?"

  "Is that what you want?"

  "Maybe," she answered. "I know that you are fond of Nancy, though. And she feels the same way. I'd almost feel like a homewrecker coming between you two."

  "Then let's not talk about that yet. Remember, you want to take it slow. Let's start with a kiss."

  When she looked to my lips, I knew that I had my opportunity. And I seized it. The contact was brief at first, but I didn't pull away. I re-engaged and added more meaning the best that I could. She closed her eyes and appeared to be enjoying it. When she looked at me again, she smiled warmly. She had the most beautiful, but subtle, afterglow about her. It was extremely enticing. I had seen that expression many times before in jewelry commercials.

  "That kiss was pretty good," I said.

  "Yes, it was."

  "How about one more," I asked. We both laughed, but when were done, we kissed again. After that our cuddle on the hammock went to a new level of comfort. I could feel it in her body. I wanted to lay there with her for a while and not think any more about this crazy place. Or about escaping.


  I awoke in the darkness with a sexy desirable woman in my arms. I could feel her warmth, her softness. But it wasn't Lin. Nancy had taken her place while I was sleeping. She may have just climbed in because she was fully awake and looking at me when I opened my eyes.

  "Hello, sleepy head," Nancy said, almost motherly.

  "Hi," I replied trying to take in my surroundings. I wanted to ask about Lin but was hesitant to take the chance on offending Nancy. Thankfully, she read my mind.

  "Lin went back to her quarters a few minutes ago. Shira and Drexel went to bed at the same time."

  "Together?" I hadn't witnessed any affection between the threesome in the other hammock, but I may have been too focused on my own adventures.

  "Not together, no," said Nancy. "They each went to their own beds. Shira asked me a favor, by the way. She said that she is not interested in sleeping with any guys at this time, but respects Drexel as a nice guy. The favor is that the two of us sleep in our own beds instead of doubling up and making either of them uncomfortable."

  "Oh, okay."

  "Is that an okay out of respect for Shira and Drexel? Or is it an okay because you are no longer interested in having me in your bed?"

  "Respect, of course."

  "I was hoping that would be the case. That's why I crawled into the hammock with you just now. If we are going to spend any time together, it should be out here. Or, are you ready for bed?"

  "No, I'm fine." I was still trying to get my bearings with just waking up and finding a different female in my arms. So, I jerked away a bit when I felt her touch around my penis. She had already placed her hand inside my pants. "Sorry," I said. I didn't know if I had the erection in my sleep or if Nancy had already been working it.

  "Just so you know," Nancy said to me as she gently began stroking my manhood and looking into my eyes. "Lin saw your boner. I wouldn't be surprised if that is what scared her back to her side of the island. But, before she left, she suggested that I take care of it for you."

  "Oh? Well, that is nice of both of you.” Then giving some thought to my conversation with Lin before I fell asleep, I added, “Did she really say that?”

  “No, not really.”

  “Did you not get anywhere with Drexel yourself?" If she was going to be okay with me lusting after another woman, I would need to respect her interest in other men.

  "Oh, I sort of did. When Shira dosed off, I started playing with his cock like I am doing with you right now. We kissed a couple times while he played with my tits. They slide right out of the swimsuit easily. Unfortunately, he came really quick. I mean, we barely got started. I think it embarrassed him. That's when he retreated back into the barracks and woke up Shira."

  "Wow," I said. "You didn't need to share that information with me, you know."

  "I know," Nancy said as she pulled my pants down enough for better access. "I think that is the kind of relationship that we are going to have. You can tell me the things that you do for Lin, and I'll share with you any encounters that I might have. So, you don't mind being my second handjob of the night?"

  "Not unless there is something else like you would like to do."

  "I don't really like oral sex," Nancy revealed.
"It came up in conversation when it was just us three girls. Lin likes it, though, so that is good news for you."

  "Well, thanks for getting that information for me. I'll try to put it to good use."

  "I bet you will," Nancy replied as she sat across my thighs and began working my hard-on with two hands."

  "That's real nice, Nancy,” I said as I placed both hands on her breasts. Seeing them struggle to be contained just beckoned for my attention. “I'm enjoying this immensely. But if you need something, too, it's okay. Don't be shy."

  "I was debating on it," she said with a smile. "It's painful at first, having you inside me. But I think I'm in the mood for it." With that she squirmed out of her one-piece. The sex was good, even though it wasn't the girl that I was trying to get into before I fell asleep. But my time with the gorgeous young Polynesian woman would come soon.