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Alien Girls Page 16

  The button came free easily and I peered on in fascination as her wings gently unfolded. They were attached to her arms, so while confined she had limited movement with her upper limbs. I could clearly see her joy of extending her glorious flying appendages even though her back was toward to me. Her body language resembled that of a big breasted woman removing her bra after a long day at work.

  She rotated to face me and said, "We haven't spent much time together since I joined your team, Kash. I thought this might be an opportunity to reconnect. I realize as captain of the ship that you have a lot to handle."

  "How are you acclimating?" I asked as I studied her beautiful face through her mask and goggles. I stood up to get a better look in the bright sunlight. Her blue eyes gave her that magazine cover-girl appearance. Her bald head did little to distract from her elegant loveliness.

  "Well," she replied, looking up at me. She was nearly two feet shorter than me. I was tempted to go back down on one knee. Would that be offensive? "Cinnamon and Doctor Vanilla have been very helpful."

  In the background I could see Aeren watching us closely as she engaged in conversation with Cinnamon and Honeysuckle. Both regular crew members were much less excited about the outdoor time, but they couldn't resist the opportunity to share it with those that enjoyed it so much.

  "And your studies?"

  "I believe that I am catching on quickly," Mixi replied as she rolled her shoulders and stretched her wings. Some of her formal manner had faded from her speech lately, but it wasn’t completely absent. "I am eager to become more useful to you, captain. Seeing these strange new places is wonderful, but I must admit that it makes me feel a bit lost."

  "Are you homesick?" I asked. Then seeing that she didn't understand the word, I rephrased. "Do you miss your home?"

  "Of course, I do," she answered. "But that was my past. I am hoping that my future is with you and your crew. I heard that you renamed your ship after our lost friend, Mavdaios. That meant a lot to us. In a way it was the biggest step in making us feel at home. Thank you for that."

  "You are welcome."

  "Teddy has been helpful as well," she told me. "Though he is not naturally social our few conversations have been incredibly enlightening. While docked at the station, then again here at the city, we were still the slightest bit worried that we might be sold as pets or slaves."

  "What? Did Teddy tell you that?" Was that little furball undermining me behind my back?

  "No, I’m sorry for the confusion. He simply revealed how some elements work in the human world. So many things are alien to us, you see. Even some that remain the same can be of concern. It is great to hear different perspectives to help us piece together the full image. It is not a matter of trust, captain. It is a matter of understanding. Please do not be alarmed."

  "I see," I responded, calming down from the outrage I was about to have with Teddy. Seeing how he was in a similar position to the new girls, it made sense that he would naturally fill them in on some of the uglier aspects of dealing with humans. "We can talk more about this later, but I want you to know that you have a place in my crew as long as you want it. I'm certainly not looking for an opportunity to get rid of you. Now I can see your wings twitching. Go, enjoy your outdoor time while you have it."

  "Very perceptive of you, captain," she smiled. Then she turned and stepped away enough so she wouldn't inadvertently hit me with her wings. Fully spread they looked even larger than I remembered. A second later she was gracefully airborne. Instead of the long flaps like the dragons, she used her wings in quick tiny movements like a mix between a butterfly and a hummingbird. Her one knee lifted while the other leg remained straight to look like a sexy pose purely for my benefit.

  I remembered her saying that she had the ability to adjust the size of parts of her body. Is that what she just did with her wings? Did she keep them at their smallest for flying around inside the caverns? And could she really enlarge her vagina to receive the size of my manhood? How freaky would that look? Could she make those itty-bitty titties bigger, too? How much bigger?

  "Thank you for getting us some outside time while on the planet," Aeren said as she walked up from behind me. "It means even more to Mixi since she didn't get the opportunity to visit the station. I honestly didn't know what to expect after we fled our city with you. It was a huge risk on our part. It turns out that you have the qualities of a good leader."

  "Thank you."

  "I've been thinking about our last conversation in my room," she said as she stepped closer and lowered her intoxicating voice. The complete lack of wind and background noise made our voices carry easily. "I apologize for upsetting you."

  "I'm not upset with you, Aeren."

  "You have not returned, so I assume that I must have done something wrong," she told me as she stepped over to block my view, forcing me to look directly into her eyes. "I realize that I have a lot of changes to make to secure my position on this spaceship of yours. Some of that is learning how to perform a useful function as a member of the crew. With Vanilla's assistance I have also come to understand that improving my relationship with you may be equally important. If you are patient with me, I promise to do my best to become the absolute best sexual partner that I can be. You'll willingness to implant your seed in me is very much appreciated."

  Willingness? How was she still so clueless. I was doing my best to control my enthusiasm.

  "Thank you for explaining this to me, Aeren. I believe that we can work through this just fine. I’m sure that I’ll need to make some adjustments as well."

  I reached out and grabbed her gently by the narrow waist. Pulling her toward me I placed a soft kiss on her lips as she stared at me exactly the same way. There was no passion there, but no disdain either. I left my hands cupping her narrow hips as I talked. She reciprocated by placing her long forearms over my shoulders. The gesture was a bit awkward though appearing somewhat rehearsed. Perhaps she had been studying this topic as well as our written language.

  "If my semen is compatible with your eggs, how many times will we need to have sex to give you a good chance at conception?"


  That was disappointing. If the experience went as well as I hoped, I would be longing for more attempts. I pushed that negative thinking away and tried to stay more professional, like she was able to do. "Are there certain days that you are more fertile than others?"

  "Yes," she answered with a smile. "I'm surprised that you know of such things. I will be extremely fertile for the next three days, then the chances slowly reduce for about a week. My preference is to attempt this procedure within the next three days, should it suit you. If you could provide clear directions in what you need from me, I will do my absolute best to become an attractive mate for you. Are you agreeable to this proposal?"

  "I am," I nearly stuttered. I looked around to see my girls staring inquisitively at us. "Now is probably not the right time for this discussion, though. How about I meet you again in your room after lift off?"

  "I look forward to it captain," she said with a slight bow. Her arms gracefully returned to her side from my shoulders after she let her fingertips slide caressingly down my chest. I then watched her walk away, which was becoming a favorite past time of mine with so many gorgeous sexy women around me. I was suffering from booty overload in a good way, as if I was gawking around inside one of the top strip clubs in Vegas.

  "Are we not enough for you?" Honeysuckle asked as she approached with Cinnamon. I could tell by their expressions that it was not as serious of a question as it sounded. Still, I wanted to handle it carefully to avoid major jealousy issues.

  "The Aeren scenario is completely different ladies," I told them. Honey said something else, but my attention had promptly gone to Strawberry as she was hurrying toward me.

  "Captain, we have a problem," she said. "There is a ship approaching. Their course and speed suggest that they intend to land here beside us."

  Fuck! This was not near en
ough time for outdoor recreation. "Where are Gako and Dawynda?"

  "Far," Strawberry said displaying their indicators on the tablet screen.

  Teddy scurried down the ladder on the side of the hull. Without any other objects in the area, he was using the ship as his personal playset. He quickly confirmed my first officer's statement and pointed in the direction that I had seen livestock earlier. I could barely make out the two airborne forms of our dragons.

  "Well, that's just great," I muttered.

  "No, it is not," Cinnamon disagreed, not fully appreciating my sarcastic nature even after all the time that we had spent together already. "We need to get everyone back inside before that ship lands, or even gets close!"


  The flat stretch of pavement for supply ships to land on was large enough to fit three ships our size. We didn't drop down exactly in the middle, but we weren't completely to one end either. That left a little extra space for the incoming ship on the far end, but no room for a third.

  Everyone was inside the Mavdaios except me and Strawberry when the supply transport touched down. That did not include the dragons, though. They were still far in the distance. We should definitely work on some type of communicators for their future outings.

  "Hello," I said as I waved like a child at the man that was coming in our direction. The rest of the ship's crew were already busy working their loaders to get the construction goods out of the ship. The man looked way too much like one of junkyard hoodlums from the first shop back in the city. He spent more time eyeballing Strawberry during his approach then me, even though I was the one that attempted contact.

  "We have permission to be here," I said, pushing my awkward behavior farther.

  "I know," the guy replied. He was dressed in black coveralls with a Dimo-Con logo on the breast. His boots were shiny and his clothes clean, so I figured him to be the supervisor, captain or pilot. "I just checked. They said you are here on unknown business. For the safety of my crew, I'm going to ask that you make that business known."

  The man wasn't armed, and neither were we. We hadn't taken to carrying our weapons ever since we left the dragon planet where I had been kidnapped by monster girls. I knew that Teddy and the girls were inside with guns ready, watching us on their monitors.

  I decided to slip back into protective mode, like I had done back at the shop. With a little more confidence I said, "We are stretching our legs, walking around a bit."

  "You couldn't do that in the city?"

  "Not to our liking, no. We treasure our privacy. If there aren't any other questions..."

  "We're going to unload our tons and be on our way within the hour," the guy said proudly as he turned toward the side. It reminded me of barroom behavior just before swinging a punch. "Just stay on your side of the pad and we shouldn't have any trouble. But if I were you," he said, spinning back to look me in the eye. "I'd hide your candy."

  As he walked away, Strawberry asked what that meant. "He means you," I explained. "You are the candy. And the rest of the girls. I'm taking it that his crew are low life scum like we encountered in the city. They’ll come looking for your attention and force me to bust some heads, or worse."

  "Kash, I can't say that I've enjoyed my experience on planets so far. Can we reconsider our obligation to these dragons? Wouldn't they be happier back where they came from?"

  "I believe that they would," I answered, taking no offense. Their needs had definitely become a nuisance. "But that will be their choice. We owe them our lives. We can tolerate more of this for a while. Overall, everything is great compared to being stuck with a broken-down ship."

  "That is true."

  I returned back inside to keep a close eye on the unloading activity, as well as follow the dragons' locations. They were much farther than I had hoped. Considering our temporary neighbors, that might actually be a good thing though. I wouldn't want Gako and Dawynda to return while the supply ship was still here. However, if they saw our visitors, they might think that we needed their assistance and hurry back.

  Nothing much happened for the next thirty minutes. Then the man that had not bothered to introduce himself came back our way. He kept glancing off to his left nervously. That was the direction that our giant flying lizards had gone. I rushed downstairs to meet him outside before he could reach our door.

  "Hey," he said, looking much less confrontational. "I just thought you should know that we received a warning for this area. Apparently, there is some kind of animal attack over there by the pig farms. We're almost done here so we'll be leaving soon. I suggest that you do the same."

  "Animal attack?" I didn’t have to feign surprise. "What kind of predator is it?"

  "I don't know," he said over his shoulder as he walked away. "But it must be scary for these people to be acting the way they are. I've never heard of anything like it. We only have a dozen kinds of animals on this planet, and none of them have ever provided a scare like this before."

  Fuck! Again, fuck! These dragons were more trouble than they were worth. I would say that I was tempted to leave them there, but I wasn't. I was way too committed of a friend to do that. Because if I did leave them, they probably wouldn't live long. The only source of food would be near these five cities, and the citizens there wouldn't put up with dragons eating their livestock for long.

  Just to add to my problems, I could see the distinct form of two dragons approaching from the farmland. They were racing back to us, possibly with hot pursuit in their tails, considering the news flash that I just received.

  "What in the black holes of hell is that?" the supply ship captain yelled.

  "Dragons," I told him calmly. "You better get your men safely inside now. Once they return to our ship, we'll launch, and the danger will be gone."

  "You brought these beasts with you?" the man looked outraged. "Is this why you wanted privacy?"

  "They'll be here in twenty seconds," I told the man intimidatingly.

  He raced off toward the entrance to his ship, screaming for the attention of his workers. I spotted a total crew of five people since they landed. Hopefully, they would follow my instructions and avoid any confusion on the part of Gako and Dawynda. Losing livestock was one thing. Having human citizens killed was quite another.

  "What have you done?" I asked angrily of my large, winged friends when they landed on the tarmac.

  "What do you mean?" Dawynda asked. "We have been enjoying the outdoors like you told us to do. Did we go too far away?"

  "Yes!" I lost my tempter, which wasn't recommended with beasts that could so easily devour you. "And you attacked these people's livestock!"

  "I don't know what live stock is," the big female dragon responded defensively. "We did eat two each of a strange fat beast that were trapped in some kind of squared off area. They weren't much of a challenge to catch, but they were incredibly delicious. We should really get more for aboard the ship. Even you humans will like them, I think. Maybe not raw though. You’ll need to cut them into strips for your strange food servers to cook."

  "Bacon!" I blurted out. "Yes, bacon is delicious, but those animals belong to someone else. We can’t just take them or eat them at will. They must be bought first."

  "I do not understand," she said. Then Gako roared behind her.

  All five men of the supply ship were coming in our direction, and they each had a rifle in their hands. Shit just kept getting worse.

  I heard Strawberry and the other girls all approaching from behind me. I glanced quick enough to see the redhead carrying a rifle, Cinnamon with the pistol and Teddy with the electro gun. Then Mixi took to flight from the rear with her magic bow in her hand.

  "We don't want any trouble," I told the riflemen. On a gameboard, we had to look like the stronger force. However, their lack of knowledge regarding our team’s abilities could make the situation confusing for them.

  "Well trouble is what you got," the captain answered. Then he spotted Mixi hovering off to the side,
her bow already aimed at the leader.

  Gako burped fire to draw everyone's attention back to him. Was that the bacon combining with his stomach acid supplying the fuel?

  "You won't win this battle," I told the man as Honeysuckle brought me my sword. I unsheathed the weapon with the press of a button. Then I waved it through the air a few times like a clumsy samurai to intimidate them.

  The main guy was finally worried as he looked between us judging our strength and numbers versus his. Gako and Dawynda then took a position in front to protect us, hissing at our could-be opponents. After an annoyingly long delay, the man spoke again.

  "Give us this blue flying girl and we will let the rest of you leave unharmed," he said, trying inadequately to sound confident.

  I could feel Aeren's and Mixi's eyes on me. If ever I was open to the idea of selling them off, this would be the golden opportunity.